Sophie Thomason is a writer, actor, and choreographer who creates for film, theatre, and music videos. A graduate of USC’s schools Dramatic and Cinematic Arts, her female-driven content (both in front of and behind the camera) explores themes of relationship inequality, gender power dynamics, and contemporary dating...all through a rather comedic lens.

Her short films BOLOGNESE and HELIUM made their way through the festival circuit and have respectively premiered at Palm Springs International ShortFest (Best U.S. Short nomination, Bolognese), NFFTY (Audience Award winner, Bolognese), IFFBoston, and Cinema Femme Short Film Fest. Her films DUST TO DUST and THREE MINUTES are coming soon.

Her play THE DEAN premiered at the New York Theatre Festival last December. Her play UNNERVING BERLIN has received two runs at the Odyssey Theatre in Los Angeles.

She’s currently editing a sitcom writer’s memoir.

She’s worked with Pacific Resident Theatre, the British American Drama Academy, New York Musical Festival, and Center Theatre Group.

And she’s passionate about yoga, grapes (seriously), and making people laugh about the sucky parts of life.